The Importance of Plumbing Inspections

The sun is out, the flowers are blooming and summer is finally in full force after everyone was locked inside for practically all of spring. And with summer, for many people, come the joys of moving. 


The months of June and July are peak season for people to move for various reasons. 


One, it’s not bitterly cold and snowing. Two, it’s the common time for leases to end. And three, if they have children, it’s easier to move during the summer than during the school year. 


As the boxes are getting packed and the final parts of the move are being finalized, many inspections of one’s new place are going to happen, and one of them needs to be a plumbing inspection. 

What Is a Plumbing Inspection?

Plumbing inspections are done certified inspectors. This is just a fancy way of saying they know what they’re doing. The last thing you want to do is waste time on a plumbing inspector who can’t do their job. That would be like flushing your money down the drain. 

The plumbing inspector comes in and gives you a rundown of the things they will look for around your house. They’re going to be looking at all the areas that connect to the plumbing system, including: 

  • The bathroom(s)—sinks, faucets, showers, drains, toilets.

  • The kitchen—faucets, drains, dishwasher.

  • The sewers and connecting drains.

  • The water meter and valves.

  • The water heater.

  • The septic system.

The Benefits of Plumbing Inspections

Once your inspector does their inspection, they should sit down with you and chat about the things that they saw. If you have an older home, prepare for the possibility of some expensive upgrades that are needed. 


This will be because older model homes weren’t built the same way current homes are and usually have older pipes or sewage systems. If you’re planning on renovating the home, that’s another reason you’ll need an inspector—because you might need to replace your septic tank to accommodate more bathrooms, faucets, etc. 


You’ll also be able to identify any current or future problems. For example, your inspector will be able to tell you if you’ll need the drains replaced in a few years or if your water meter and valves are working properly. 


With a plumbing inspection, you save yourself the surprise of possible problems and prepare yourself for the future plumbing condition of your home. 

For Future Reference

Now just because you get a plumbing inspection doesn’t mean you’re good to go. You need to get them regularly, and your inspector will be able to tell you how often would be best for your home. 


You also can help yourself along the way by keeping an eye on your plumbing system. We don’t mean using cameras to get into your sewer or trying to check the drains yourself. 


Just keep an eye on things such as:

  • If you have a leaky faucet in the kitchen.

  • If your toilet keeps getting clogged.

  • If your toilet keeps running after it’s flushed.

  • If your water pressure isn’t good.

The Best in the Business

BL3 Inc., located in Moore, Oklahoma, isn’t like other plumbing and drain cleaning companies. A family-owned business, we pride ourselves on being there for any problem you may encounter.  


We understand that leaky faucets, backed up sewers and plumbing issues can be a stressful and confusing time. It can be especially frustrating if you’ve just moved into a house and this stuff pops up out of nowhere.


This is why you should call us to do your plumbing inspection today. It’s never too late, and at the end of the day, you want to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to your plumbing 


You can contact us on our website or give us a call at (405) 895-6640 for the northside of Moore or (405) 237-1414 for the southside. 


We have a 100-percent happiness guarantee so you’ve got nothing to lose. We’re here to help you and keep your family happy and safe in your new home.