Common Summer Plumbing Issues

With everyone around the world being cooped up for the first part of the year thanks to the global pandemic, people are itching for personal interactions. 

With some states still having strict rules on where people can and can’t go, we can bet you’ve already been planning to host some outside barbecues and parties to see all of the friends and family you miss.

All of this is great, of course, but here at BL3 Plumbing and Drainage, we know that summer brings along common plumbing issues that people don’t even think about. For example, even if all of your summer get-togethers are held outside, for the most part, you will have to allow guests to use your restroom.

And with enough stress on everyone’s plate, we’ve made a list of the top five common summer plumbing issues we see. Even better, we’ve given you a few possible solutions to stopping them from happening so you can have as much of a smooth-sailing summer as possible.

1. Obstructed Garbage Disposal

With more people over to the house, or more barbecue ribs being made, it can be easy to get an obstructed garbage disposal. This is because many people don’t know what they can and can’t put into the garbage disposal—and that includes adults. 

So for a general sense of things, don’t ever, and we mean EVER, put bones or grease in the garbage disposal. Bones are too large and too thick to be cut up, and grease (or other thick greases or items such as peanut butter) turn into mushy, nasty blobs that clog the disposal and the drain. 

A great way to avoid problems is to start a compost pile for your food waste. It’s also a good idea to educate people on what they can and can’t put down the drain—especially your kids! 

2. Clogged Toilet

This is the same principle. The more people over (or the kids home for summer break), the higher the chance of a clogged toilet.

To ensure this doesn’t happen when you’re throwing a bash, just make sure yourself and your kids aren’t overusing toilet paper. And try to avoid using flushable wipes. They can say they’re “flushable,” but they aren’t necessarily made for the toilet. 

We usually don’t recommend people fixing toilet issues at home, but if you have running toilet issues, we have a short guide on how to fix it. But when all else fails, be sure to call the professionals. It makes things easier for everyone. 

3. Drainage Issues

When we say drainage issues, we’re specifically looking at the shower and your sinks. With the shower, the drain can be caused by congealed masses, specifically hair. With sinks, it could be the same thing. 

There are home remedies for clogged drains, such as minor science experiments or a quick run of Drano. However, sometimes that doesn’t work, which is when you call for help. 

Some ways to avoid this are putting drain covers on your drains in the sinks and a hair catcher in the shower. That way you can grab large particles of things or hair and throw them away before they cause problems. 

4. Sewer Issues

With more thunderstorms and rain in the spring and summer, a broken sewer line is a high possibility. You also can have clogs from incorrect items being flushed down the toilet or root invasion from nearby trees. 

The easiest way to prevent these things is to have your sewer serviced before every summer. It helps to check things out and make sure they are top notch and ready to go. 

5. Sprinkler Issues

It’s finally time for that grass to look its best, right? That’s all fine, but sprinkler problems are the bane of many homeowners’ existences. 

Before you start your sprinklers, check every sprinkler head to make sure it can rise from the ground and is not broken. If you need a replacement, stop at a hardware store and work with them to replace it. Better yet, have professionals install the system from the start. 

Keep Us in Your Toolbox

If you try your best but you don’t succeed with keeping your plumbing in line this summer, don’t forget to keep our contact information in your back pocket for a rainy day. 

Serving Moore, Okla., and the surrounding areas, BL3 Inc. prides itself on fast and efficient service that won’t make you break the bank. We’re here to make your life easier. 

So reach out today on our website if you’re having any problems.