Most Frequently Asked Plumbing Questions

Even though plumbing is essentially the circulatory system of your home – carrying water to every essential area – it’s easy to forget about it until something goes wrong. But once it does, many are hesitant to call the plumber. 

As the plumbing company, you might be surprised to learn we understand. Contacting someone for a job you aren’t sure a professional necessarily needs to do is annoying. To help, we’ve created this shortlist of the ten most frequently asked plumbing questions, as well as answers. Specifically, we want to help you understand which problems you might be able to solve, and which ones are better suited for the pros. 

Why is the Toilet Running? 

Your toilet is both an engineering feat that helps millions of people every day and also a fairly simple mechanism. When you pull the handle, you’re lifting the internal plug, letting water and waste drain through the pipes below. 

Often, if your toilet is running, there’s a chance your handle is simply not all the way up or not quite closed inside. Try moving the handle around to see if that works. If not, you can remove the lid and make sure the mechanisms inside are properly closing. After that, if it’s still running, there could be a need for a plumber.  

How Can I Fix My Garbage Disposal?

This question is common because, unfortunately, many people simply toss anything and everything down the garbage disposal. First of all, we recommend trashing larger items and coffee grounds instead of throwing them into the disposal. This is also true of nuts, shells, and popcorn kernels, which can harm the blades of your disposal.

The answer to this question is complicated, not because it’s a difficult fix but because there could be a few things wrong with your disposal. The first thing to do is to unplug your disposal and then plug it back in. If it still isn’t working, you can try unplugging it again and, using a flashlight, try to see if there’s anything jamming the disposal. After these steps, it’s best to get a professional involved. Garbage disposals have a long life, but they’re not permanent fixtures, and sometimes they will need to be replaced. 

Why is Standing Water in My Dishwasher?

Water at the bottom of your dishwasher is almost always a problem best left to the professionals. It’s usually the result of a clog and, unlike clogs in other areas, this one is usually very complex. There are simply too many parts and pieces in a dishwasher for us to try to recommend one single area to aim for. Your plumbing expert can remove the clog, clean the system, and take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again anytime soon. 

How Can I Unclog My Bathtub?

Speaking of clogs, sinks and bathtubs often get clogged and it does not mean you need to immediately contact your plumber. Sinks and bathtubs most often get clogged because of hair – it’s gross, we know, it’s okay. Loose hair is a fact of life, and a simple unclogging solution like Drain-O will usually dissolve it away. 

If that doesn’t work, you can try snaking the pipes yourself, but again, we recommend calling the professionals for that task. Owning a plumbing snake can be useful, but it’s usually not worth it. 

How Can I Avoid Frozen Pipes? 

Obviously, we get this question every winter, as freezing temperatures are common but not constant in Oklahoma, and therefore it’s harder to stay prepared. The best way to avoid frozen pipes is to remember to leave your faucets dripping – but only just – especially overnight during a freeze. 

You should also check out our post about preparing your home for winter weather, as well as insulating any exterior plumbing you have. 

Why is My Water Bill Going Up?

We’ve heard this question before from people confused about why the water bill seems to be going up no matter what they do. Sometimes, even if you cannot see a leak, your plumbing could have a “silent leak” meaning that even though your plumbing is still functional, there is a leak somewhere under the house or in the piping. 

If you’re not sure why your bill keeps rising, contact your local plumber to try to find the source of the leak. If there ends up not being one, you can discuss ways to save water with your plumber. 

What Uses the Most Water in My House?

Speaking of water bills, sometimes it’s simply high because you’re using a lot of it. If you’ve got four or more members of your family, that’s a lot of baths and showers taken per week, so it stands to reason that you’re using a lot of water. 

But when it comes to the most water used in your home, the answer is almost always the toilet, simply because it’s used on such a consistent basis. While reducing your showers and laundry loads is not a bad idea, it’s difficult to lower the amount of flushes, for obvious reasons. 

How Can I Stop My Leaking Faucet?

Usually, a leaking faucet is best left to the professionals. However, we’ve got good news, too: it’s most often a quick, relatively cheap fix. Most leaking faucets are the result of a corroded or aging part, requiring a short repair that involves taking it apart and replacing the bad piece. 

For more information on the plumbing system in your home or to get expert advice and help, give us a call. Our team of experts is ready to help you! 

North OKC: (405) 895-6640

South OKC: (405) 237-1414

Learn more about your water heater this winter by downloading our free guide below!