How to Spring Clean Your Plumbing System

It’s almost time to shake off those winter blues and embrace the longer, warmer days of spring. While most people look at this time of year, they feel the need to get their houses back in order. 

The same also should go for your house’s plumbing system. Giving your plumbing system regular maintenance decreases the chance of costly issues and a call to your professional plumber. Spring is the perfect time to add this task to your to-do list. 

Here’s a list of things to include on your spring plumbing checklist:


  • Check the pipes in your plumbing-heavy rooms like the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room for signs of any leaks. Also, check your out-of-the-way places like the attic or crawlspace for signs of your pipes leaking. One way to quickly check is to mark the water usage before going to bed and again when you wake up. If your numbers have changed, you know you have a leak somewhere.

  • Flush all the toilets in your house and make sure they empty and refill properly. If you have to hold down or jiggle one of the handles, you may need to check or replace some parts.

  • Check the hoses of your washing machine, ice dispenser and dishwasher to make sure they don’t need to be replaced.

  • Check the drain of your dishwasher and unclog any holes on the sprayer arm that might be blocked.

  • Soak your shower-head in vinegar overnight to break down any mineral deposits that may have formed.

  • Drain your water heater and then flush it to clean away any accumulated sediment. While you’re at it, make sure the temperature is set to a temperature that isn’t driving up your energy costs.

General Plumbing

  • Check infrequently used drains and floor drains to make sure they are clear in case of flooding.

  • Check your sump pump by pouring a couple of buckets of water into the pit to make sure it’s running properly. 

Outside Plumbing

  • Clear yard drains, gutters and downspouts, and check them for any sign of damage. Replace any damaged parts to prevent your yard from flooding during those spring rainstorms.

  • Check outdoor faucets to ensure water is running correctly. If they drip, you may have a pipe issue that may need to be addressed by a professional.

  • Check garden hoses for any damage or loose connections to the faucet. If you’ve kept them out in the weather all winter, the cold may have caused them to become brittle and crack.

  • Clean your patio drains and make sure the water flows through them properly to prevent water from entering into your house.

  • Remove any temporary insulation you may have installed to protect your pipes from the winter cold.

  • Flush the sprinkler system and check for leaks. 

Working your way through this checklist will guarantee that your plumbing is running thoroughly and efficiently for those spring and summer days ahead. You also will be ensuring that your system is well maintained to prevent problems in the future.

Would you like a pro to tackle your to-do list? Look no further than the professionals at BL3Inc. Contact us today to schedule a consultation about how we can help make sure your plumbing system is in great shape!