Our Top Winter Plumbing Tips

The coldest parts of the winter are the hardest part of the year for your plumbing. From rain to snow to freezing temperatures, the cold months can wreak absolute havoc on your home’s system, and if you’re not prepared, you’re looking at costly repairs and even flooding. 

To help you prevent some of the most common plumbing problems, we’ve written this post. Almost all major plumbing issues can be avoided by being mindful and proactive of your system; we’ll give you the tools and knowledge to do so below. 

Exterior Water Valves

The average expense for a ruptured pipe is a staggering $15,000, and sometimes that figure includes your insurance policy, since many agencies consider frozen pipes outside of your coverage. 

To make sure you avoid such a huge cost, make sure you turn off all exterior water and look for pipes in areas without insulation. Many homes have pipes outside, and if these aren’t insulated, they’re at risk. You can wrap them in foam or towels, and make sure to let your faucets drip on cold nights. 

Learn the Layout

While you already know the layout of your home, we’re referring to the layout of your plumbing. You don’t need to have a printed diagram of the piping (not a bad idea, though!) you should definitely learn the location of your home’s main water valve. In case of a pipe bursting, you might need to shut off all the water in your house; if you know the location of the main valve, you can avoid thousands of dollars worth of damage. 

Find the Balance

Turning down the heat in your home during the winter – especially when you’re away – is a common, popular method of lowering your expenses. Just make sure if you do lower the temperature, you’re very careful, as you can end up leaving your pipes vulnerable. 

Make sure never to set your home’s temperature below 45 degrees. If you keep your thermostat around 50, your pipes will be protected while saving energy; it’s all a balance. 

Maintain Your Water Heater

As you might already know, at BL3 Plumbing, we recommend getting your home’s plumbing and water heater inspected before or during the season’s change. This provides maximum peace of mind and security, ensuring that we catch any issues before they become bigger problems. 

You should especially make sure to maintain your water heater before the winter. Your water heater is your best bet against the cold, both for your plumbing and for yourself, and if it breaks during the winter, it can be more expensive and difficult to get it fixed than it would beforehand. 

Insulate Your Home

We already mentioned insulating your exterior pipes, but you should also make sure to insulate your home not just before the winter but in general. While you might not think insulation is a necessary expense, in the long run you’ll be saving money in both winter and summer. 

Keeping your home insulated keeps bills down, whether it’s your gas or electric bill, by reducing the workload of your heater and air conditioner. This is also great in the winter, as it protects the pipes in your home. 

Careful in the Kitchen

During the winter, not only are you often cooking for large groups of guests during the holidays, but you’re also probably cooking more in general, as the colder temperatures lead people indoors. 

Make sure you know the right ways to get rid of food, never pouring fats or oils down your drain, as those can clog the drain and damage your pipes. Your garbage disposal is powerful, but only to a point. Protect it and the pipes around it by being more intentional. 

Call the Right Team

To truly protect your pipes in the winter, you’ve got to partner with a plumbing team you can trust. At BL3 Plumbing, we have a team of experts ready to inspect and maintain your home, while also being honest with you about what your home needs. 

For all your winter plumbing needs, give us a call. Our team of experts is ready to repair and maintain all your plumbing, from the water heater to the bathroom sink. 

North OKC: (405) 895-6640

South OKC: (405) 237-1414

To speak with one of our experts about winterizing your home’s plumbing, give us a call today. We’re happy to speak to you about how we can protect your home during the cold time of the year. For more tips on your water heater and plumbing, download our free guide!