The Do’s and Don’ts of Winter Plumbing in Your Bathroom

The winter season has a lot of benefits, like more time off with friends and families, holidays filled with great food, and cooler temperatures. But it also means you have to pay much more attention to maintaining your home, as one lapse in judgment can mean frozen pipes and costly repairs.

Along with the kitchen, the bathroom is one of the rooms where you have to be extra diligent during the colder months, as it has a lot of access points for water through your pipes and plumbing. To get you through the winter season, we’ve created a list of do’s and don’ts for your bathroom, which include tips for making sure your pipes don’t burst, as well as helpful ways to stay comfortable. 


Natural Light

Despite being a very private area, most bathrooms have a window, and this is because natural light is immensely helpful for keeping towels and surfaces dry and keeping the room warm. In the winter, it’s a good idea to make sure you keep the blinds open during the day, especially if the temperatures outside are low. This will allow sunlight into your bathroom and keep it from getting unbearably cold.

Seal the Cracks

Many bathrooms get unreasonably cold during the winter and this is often because of poor insulation or cracks where the wall meets the floor and/or windows. To solve this problem, take a look and see if you can feel the air coming in or going out through these small cracks. Sometimes you can even tell simply by looking at the spot in question.

To fix this issue, just visit your local hardware store and pick up some caulk, which is easy to apply and dries quickly, sealing your bathroom (and any other areas) from the cold. 

Warm the Towels

If you’re looking for next-level comfort – or your bathroom is seriously that cold – one option is to take a look at heated towel racks. These racks keep your towel nice and warm so when you get out of the bath or shower, it’s ready for you to wrap up in what feels like a cozy blanket. 

Heat it Up

Many bathrooms simply get poor circulation from the rest of your heating system, and in this case, it might be time to consider purchasing a heat lamp or space heater to use when you’re using the bathroom. This is also a good idea for freezing nights, as you can keep the space warm to ward off frozen pipes. 

Upgrade Your Space

If you’ve tried all these tips and it’s still just not cutting it, it might be time for an upgrade. One of the best ways to upgrade your bathroom is with the addition of heated floors, as well as new water heaters to make sure you’re getting the best and most efficient hot water. Heated floors will keep your feet from freezing all winter long. 

Now, let’s move on to some things you don’t want to do during the winter in your home and bathroom.


Lose Focus

It can be annoying, but staying attentive to the weather is vital to keeping your home and plumbing safe during frigid temps. You’ve got to make sure your faucets are running at night, especially if it’s going to fall to below 32 degrees outside. This is also why it’s vital to make sure your cracks are sealed before the cold hits and hits hard. 

Leave the Floors Bare

If you don’t have the time, patience, or budget for heated floors but your bathroom’s cold tile is painful on your frozen feet, decorate your bathroom with carefully placed bath mats so that you can stay nice and warm when you’re getting in and out of the shower, or getting ready for your day. 

Another good tip is to pick up a sturdy robe and/or slippers to wear before and after the bath or shower so you can stay warm while getting prepared for the day. 

Keep it Dark

This should come as no surprise, but you shouldn’t let your bathroom stay dark and gloomy during the winter, especially if it’s going to be freezing outside. Your bathroom needs all the help it can get to stay warm, so make sure the sunlight is flowing during the day, but close those blinds at night, especially if they’re thick, so they can keep the heat in.

For all your winter plumbing needs, give us a call. Our team of experts is ready to repair and maintain all your plumbing, from the water heater to the bathroom sink. 

North OKC: (405) 895-6640

South OKC: (405) 237-1414

To speak with one of our experts about winterizing your home’s plumbing, give us a call today. We’re happy to speak to you about how we can protect your home during the cold time of the year. For more tips on how to prepare your home for winter, download our free guide!