Winter is Coming – Is A Slab Leak In Your Future?

As a homeowner in Oklahoma, you're no stranger to extreme weather conditions. You've seen everything from blistering summer heat to dangerous winter storms that knock out power and leave you shivering in your home.

Yet we often get so focused on what's falling from the sky that we forget about the potential damage that can be done from below. We're talking, of course, about the dreaded slab leak. If your home is built on a concrete slab, there's a good chance you could be at risk for this costly and destructive problem

Fortunately, with the right knowledge and a little bit of preventative care, you can avoid a slab leak altogether. And with the right team by your side, you can be sure you're equipped to deal with one if it does happen.

So whether you’re concerned that a slab leak might be in your future or you're simply looking for ways to protect your home from this and other weather-related problems, read on for everything you need to know about slab leaks in the winter months.

Everything You Didn't Know You Needed to Know About Slabs

Before we dive into the specifics of slab leaks and how to deal with them, let's take a step back and talk about what a slab is and why it matters.

If your home is built like many in Oklahoma, it likely sits on a concrete slab. This foundation is made of thick concrete that’s poured directly onto the ground. Once it dries, the slab becomes the base upon which your home's framing and other structural elements are built.

This type of foundation is common in our state because it is relatively easy and inexpensive to construct. Concrete crews will dig out a space for the slab, pour it in, and level it off. Once it dries, they'll come back and add any necessary framing or other elements.

However, like any home foundation, concrete slabs are not impervious to damage. In fact, they can be quite vulnerable to certain types of problems – especially if they are not properly cared for. One of the most common and destructive problems that can affect a concrete slab is a slab leak.

What is a Slab Leak?

A slab leak is, quite simply, a leak in the water or sewer lines that run beneath your concrete foundation. These lines are typically made of copper or PVC and carry fresh water into your home and sewage away from it.

Over time, these lines can become corroded or damaged – often due to changes in temperature or pressure. When this happens, water can begin to leak out of the line and into the soil around your foundation.

If left unchecked, this leaking water can cause a number of problems, including:

Soil Erosion

As water leaks out of the line, it will also erode the soil around your foundation. This can eventually lead to cracks in your foundation or even cause it to shift or settle. Erosion is one of those sneakily destructive problems because it can happen slowly over time, making it hard to spot until the damage is already done.

Mold and Mildew

Any time there is excess moisture in your home, mold, and mildew are a risk. Not only are these growths unsightly, but they can also cause serious health problems for you and your family. If you suspect you have a slab leak, be on the lookout for mold or mildew growth in your home.

Water Damage

Obviously, any time there is a water leak in your home, there is a risk of water damage. This can range from minor stains on your ceiling to major flooding, depending on the size and location of the leak.

Higher Water Bills

If you have a slab leak, you may notice that your water bills start to go up for no apparent reason. That's because you're paying for water that’s literally going down the drain.

As you can see, slab leaks are nothing to trifle with. Fortunately, you can do a few things to prevent them – and a few signs you can look for to catch them early.

Why Do Slab Leaks Occur During the Winter Months?

While slab leaks can occur at any time of year but often during the winter months for a few reasons:

1. Rapid Temperature Changes

One of the most common causes of slab leaks is rapid temperature changes. The ground around your foundation will expand and contract as the temperature outside fluctuates. This occurs due to a phenomenon known as thermal expansion.

When the ground freezes, it expands. And when it thaws, it contracts. This constant expansion and contraction can, over time, cause the slab and the pipes beneath it to crack or become damaged. Even small hairline cracks can provide an entry point for water – which, as we've already discussed, can lead to a host of problems.

2. Inconsistent Soil Moisture Levels

Another common cause of slab leaks is inconsistent soil moisture levels. You don't have to live in Oklahoma long to know that our state's weather is unpredictable, especially regarding precipitation. We can go weeks without rain, only to have a sudden downpour that saturates the ground.

This constant wetting and drying cycle can cause the soil around your foundation to expand and contract. As discussed above, this movement can damage your slab and the pipes beneath it.

3. Poorly Constructed Slabs

In some cases, slab leaks are simply the result of a poorly constructed foundation. If your home was built on a weak or unstable foundation, it's more likely to develop cracks and leaks over time – and even faster due to the above reasons. That's why it's essential that you have a professional inspect your home's foundation every few years to check for any potential issues.

How to Prevent Slab Leaks

Slab leaks can be a massive headache – and during the winter, they can be even more destructive. But the good news is that there are a few things you can do to prevent them:

1. Check Your Water Bill

One of the easiest ways to prevent slab leaks is to keep an eye on your water bill. In the winter, hot water is essential – and paying more than you expect may point to a problem. If you notice a sudden or unexplained spike in your water usage, it could be a sign that you have a leak. The same goes for any pooling water around your home or foundation.

2. Inspect Your Home's Foundation Regularly

Another way to prevent slab leaks is to inspect your home's foundation regularly – at least once every few years. Look for cracks or any other signs of damage. Vertical cracks are usually nothing to worry about, but horizontal cracks could be a sign that your foundation is shifting. If you see any cracks, it’s best to call a professional to have them take a closer look.

3.  Have Your Pipes Inspected Regularly

Another preventative measure you can take is to have your pipes inspected regularly. If you live in an older home, it is a good idea to have a professional inspect your pipes every few years to check for any signs of wear and tear. And if you live in an area with hard water, you may need to have your pipes inspected more often.

4. Fix Any Cracks in Your Slab or Foundation

If you do find any cracks in your slab or foundation, it's essential to have them repaired as soon as possible. Ignoring these cracks will only worsen the problem and lead to a full-blown leak down the road. So if you see any cracks, no matter how small, it's best to call a professional right away.

5. Hire Professional Plumbing Services

Finally, hiring professional plumbing services is the best way to prevent slab leaks. While many Oklahoma homeowners will try to address slab issues themselves, leaving these repairs to the professionals is best. Not only will they be able to identify and fix the problem quickly, but they can also help you prevent future leaks from occurring.

A plumber and slab expert will be able to assess your home and property to determine the best course of action. They can also help you develop a maintenance plan to keep your slab and pipes in top condition.

Keep Your Slab In Top Shape This Winter with BL3

Slab leaks can cause a lot of damage – but with the right preventative measures, you can keep your home safe this winter. At BL3, we’re proud to be Oklahoma City's trusted plumbing and slab experts. We have years of experience helping homeowners with all their plumbing needs – from repairs and inspections to maintenance and preventative care.

If you're concerned about your slab this winter, we can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. One of our expert plumbers will come to your home, assess the situation, and develop a customized plan to keep your slab in top shape. When you partner with BL3 Plumbing & Drain Cleaning, you can rest assured that your home is in good hands.

Book an appointment before the cold weather rolls in this fall. Contact BL3 today and get your slab and plumbing checked out before the weather gets too cold! Are you a senior citizen or veteran? Let BL3 take care of your plumbing issues fast with a 10% service discount! (Valid ID required.)

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